Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Wardrobe Detailing Drawing

We are require to look for a decent wardrobe and understand its finest details. Honest speaking, Its my first time really observing the details of a wardrobe. I've chosen the Hopen wardrobe created by Ikea. Its quite a simple wardrobe but the real reason of this task is to gain the technical knowledge and not just admiring the looks of the wardrobe.Here are some of my work and few pics to support my task.

Example of Hopen Wardrobe

Metal Shelf Holder

Observation on Wardrobe

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Search & Observe

Mission 2 , Relocate the swivel chair in more details form. So here are more specific view of the swivel chair from Plan, Section and Elevation view. These sketches are drawn only using artline pen. I got to be honest, I've no patience in drawing at all, that's why a lot of crooked lines can be seen. I hope my drawings can be polish throughout this class cause for what I've understand, this is the Working and DETAILING drawing class right?


Design Workout 1!!!!

Things are starting to get serious. Assignments are stacking up, sleeping hours are cutting shorter day by day but its not going to stop me from enjoying class activities with my closest friends. I always give my full opinion and support towards my task and if I'm not contributing, I will try to bring joy and laughter to them. For this task, we were told to choose a furniture within the classroom and use it as our experiment purpose. All we need to do was to come in a group of 4 and within 15 minutes, understand and draw the section, elevation, plan view of the chosen furniture. We've chosen swivel chair.

Measuring the swivel chair

                                                           Drawings of the swivel chair

First Class Of The Week

Our first task is simple, get a B5 sketch book and doodling the front cover! When it comes to doodling or sketching, I always sketch with my feelings or at least something that represents me. Recently I just got myself a tattoo and now I'm totally into samoan tattoo designs. One of these days, I'm going to get one not on the sketch book but on my own body itself.

I'm Feeling 22

Its been awhile since I've actually written a blog entry. Now I'm back with a much wiser me. The last time I've blog is 2 years back when I'm still in my Foundation year but now, its a whole new level challenging myself in semester 3 for my degree year in IA.  As usual I'm starting this blog to make sure my progress is recorded clearly. This blog is all about my journey in Detailing & Drawing class so that makes technical pens and sketch book our best buddies for now.